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19-21/8/2011 - Extra Italia (EE) - E dopo l'internazionale... Vulcanier DCM Open Air 2011

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Registrato: 01/10/06 22:16
Messaggi: 13410
Residenza: provincia di Milano

MessaggioInviato: Mer Lug 06, 2011 10:23 pm    Oggetto: 19-21/8/2011 - Extra Italia (EE) - E dopo l'internazionale.. Rispondi citando

Eccovi una proposta dai Vulcanier Germany, per chi fosse libero in agosto e dopo l'Internazionale volesse prolungare il giro per l'Europa.

Anja (Vulcanier Germany) <vn-cruisen @ ankos.org>

Dear all,

have an invitation for you. One week after the international meeting in
Belgium my Vulcanier Germany chapter is staging a open air weekend,
back to the roots…

It is possible, the week between meetings to
spend in our club-house, we have 20 bunkbeds and room for cots etc., for
total of 40 people. Our club-house is an old pub, which we have
assumed, for catering can be provided, if desired. The house is located
in Neuwied, about 20 km away from the meeting site.

Maybe some people have time… (and money)…  Wink

DCM Open Air 2011
Grillhütte (grill hut) 56237 Alsbach

signposting at:

A 3 exit Ransbach/Baumbach
A 48 exit Hörgrenzhausen

19.08.2011 until Sunday 21.08.2011 for Vulcanier and Friends, a weekend
for celebrate, to duff and have fun with your friends.

Arrive of the guests
depend cozy and chatting with friends
Music from the “tin”,  possible a small live gig

ride out at 12:00

pleasant evening with live music

Clearing up the campground


Fr. – Su.:  18€ includes 2 x breakfast and campground

Sa. – Su.: 13€ includes 1 x breakfast and campground

It stands a snack car on the spot with a wide variety at civilian prices.
All drinks as well are offered at civilian prices.


VROC.it #1, VROC.org #19519
Riding "Eclipse", VN2000 '07

1 ottobre 2006: nasce il VROC.it
"pensa se non ci avessi provato"

Sometimes a winner it's just a dreamer who never gave up

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